Joe Meloni

A report from Return Path found that 21 percent of companies using email marketing struggle to find the best content to include in their campaigns to drive clicks, leads and eventual conversions. Other issues include audience targeting, measuring ROI and finding an ideal frequency for sending messages.

Content marketing campaigns can provide natural fuel for effective email outreach. Email strategies designed to attract recipients with relevant site content drive opens and clicks – and successful site content can offer insights on what will impact subscribers. With 35 percent of companies saying they want to do better in targeting specific portions of their audience, a better understanding of content that elicits the best responses can make email more relevant for recipients.

Even when users opt into email marketing campaigns, they’re highly selective in terms of the links they click and products they eventually buy. Finding the types of content that convert users on sites and including similar articles in newsletters can appeal to convertible audiences and help businesses drive traffic and conversions.

Moreover, positioning email marketing to appeal to mobile users is challenge for many. Brafton recently highlighted a report from Knotice that 36 percent of all emails are opened on smartphones. Ensuring websites and included content are optimized for smartphoneaccess can help marketers appeal to their audiences more effectively.