Although it might not have had the widespread impact of the New Orleans Saints winning the Super Bowl, Google’s airing of a TV ad during the game was, nevertheless, a first in and of itself.

The ad, which chronicled a series of Google searches illustrating a romance in Paris, was already available online as part of Google’s "search stories," which use a similar narrative device to tell brief tales. The company also astutely took advantage of its search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities to purchase a search ad for "google tv ad," which is the top result for that search.

The advertisement was the first that the company has ever aired for its core search product, according to Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Land, who also writes that the company has created a new search ad campaign for many of the searches depicted in the advertisement.

Search engine optimization (SEO) experts and other advertising professionals generally liked the ad, as writers like CNET’s Caroline McCarthy described it as "a breath of fresh air" in a Super Bowl ad crop dominated by "dude"-centric marketing.