Joe Meloni

A report from Bizrate Insights found that many Pinterest users are converting after clicking on links shared on the website. While a majority are using the site simply to browse content, 26 percent of respondents to a survey said they have converted after clicking a link on the site.

Businesses using social media marketing have often struggled to tie their content directly to eventual conversions. However, Pinterest seems to be the top platform for leading prospects through a conversion funnel to the point of purchase. Six percent said they have made a purchase as a result of something they saw on Pinterest, but the link on the site did not bring them to the retailer’s page.

Most still aren’t making purchases after visiting Pinterest, but the growing number of people that use Pinterest to research potential buys is growing.

The survey also illustrated a strategic point for social marketers. With 27 percent of respondents saying they saw an item on the site that they wanted to buy but landed on a different website, it’s imperative to ensure that links lead to pages that are enabled for ecommerce.

Soon, consumers may not even have to leave Pinterest to buy the items they’re interested in. Brafton recently reported that Pinterest has secured $100 million in funding for Japanese ecommerce giant Pinterest, which could pave the way for Pinterest commerce on the site.