Lauren Kaye

Marketers who ​worry ​Google is only ​cannibalizing clicks to their web content through Knowledge Graph can breathe a sigh of relief (… albeit a tentative one). Google ​appears to be testing new ​Action Links at the bottom of Answer Cards, prompting users to visit the related brand page directly to carry out the “action” they searched for​.

install java answer box

A couple of sample searches show this feature appears when users enter a command, such as “​[brand] ​Download” or “Install [brand].”​

At press time, there’s no definite way for companies to get Action Links for their content that Google pulls into the Knowledge Graph. Google has not made any comments on what triggers the feature, or how it may be expanded. Regardless, Action Links suggest the search engine is making updates to Answer Boxes to drive users to company’s websites​,​​ which is​ a promising development for marketers who fear result page “Answers” only serve to take away clicks.

Could Action Links cure marketers’ FOMO?

Last year, Search Engine Roundtable polled marketers and found 55 percent admitted they ​are at least a little concerned about Knowledge Graph​ reducing the motivation for searchers to navigate to brand websites​. ​Still, ​Google spokespeople assert ​users ​will still need to visit publishers’ sites for in-depth information that goes beyond the answers they see in SERPs.

No matter your position on the ​implications of ​Knowledge Graph​ for traffic​, most marketers agree it’s better to join Google than combat it. That means continuing to publish high quality content that might get pulled into an Answer Box ​- with or without an Action ​Link back to your site.

Action Link examples

To safeguard your website traffic, you should strive to create content so compelling, readers will click back to your site to learn more. It’s also smart to diversify your strategy so it doesn’t depend on visits from Google, including social media and email campaigns.

Hungry for more answers about Google’s Knowledge Graph and how to get your content front and center? Check out these related resources:

Content for SEO: How to publish online for search success

6 ways to get content into Google’s Knowledge Graph results