Lauren Kaye

Day two of Brafton’s #12DaysOfContent, and we want to enumerate the value of another marketing format: Lists. Lists may not be new, but they have certainly taken the internet world by storm. You’ll come across them whether you’re looking for a compilation of epic fails, a collection of adorable corgie pictures or a roundup of top tech trends. Unlike news content, these skimmable pieces (think Top-5s or timelines) give target audiences access to a lot of information in an extremely approachable format.

List articles help brands win engagement and search traffic because they convey ideas and data in a way that’s easy (and quick) for busy online readers to digest. They’re also bait for social sharing and buzz. Click play to watch an interview with Section Editor Rebecca Bakken to get the gist of why lists work.

Why add lists into your content marketing mix?

It’s no surprise that lists are such a hit on the web, where internet users are prone to skim for high-level takeaway. Brands are creating these resources to bait target audiences. Top-5s and step-by-step instructions get more clicks because they make a promise to give readers information in an a la carte format, letting them take what they need and leave when they have enough (or run out of time).

Because this content type is so approachable and enjoyable to read, list articles are also highly shareable. Lists offer the answers people want in the byte-sized quantities that are just right for Facebook or Twitter sessions. These pieces also have an evergreen quality that gives them a longer shelf-life on the web and helps publishers drive steady traffic to articles that speak to their areas of expertise.

Check out these 5 examples of various lists brands can create:

1. Use lists to create a compilation of stats audiences can learn from:

 34 Statistics marketers can be thankful for this holiday season

2. Create a step-by-step guide via lists:

 10 Ways to optimize your brand’s YouTube channel

3. Provide a series of tips in an easy-to-consume list format:

Twitter event logistics guide: 23 Tips for success

4. Give a roundup of best-in-class industry examples:

4 Winning sports social media marketing campaigns you can learn from

5. Enumerate different options for customers with a list:

5 Types of marketing GIFs your customers won’t be able to resist

Mulling over the right way to present a lot of compelling information without overloading your readers? Our content writers will help you create lists that relay important ideas in a format that practically reads itself.

Want to learn more from our in-house expert? Leave a comment below to ask Section Editor Rebecca Bakken how lists can give you more traffic and engagement.

And be sure to check out what’s coming next in the #12DaysOfContent.