Google’s prospective withdrawal from China has had a number of effects on the search engine optimization (SEO) industry both in China and abroad, but few could have predicted this: Goojje, a clone of the U.S. search giant, recently went live.

Reuters reports that the final syllable in the word Google sounds like the Chinese word for "older brother." Goojje’s final syllable sounds like "older sister." While Goojje reportedly conforms to Chinese censorship regulations, it has also publicly asked Google to stay in the country, with its website declaring "sister was very happy when brother gave up the thought of leaving and stayed for sister," according to the UK’s Daily Telegraph.

The Telegraph reports that, while ownership of the new search engine had not been confirmed, a Chinese newspaper reported that it was created by a female college student.

Perhaps most critically, however, the Telegraph cites sources as saying that Goojje returns slightly different search results from Baidu, meaning that China’s dominant search engine might not have things all its own way upon Google’s exit.