Because the majority of consumers use search engines to find websites, optimizing a page’s content for such portals leads to greater traffic and therefore revenue, a firm has highlighted.

Urban Geko, a digital marketing agency, explained that "good" search engine optimization involves examining many different aspects of a website, including updating its coding as well as its content.

It is understandable that many SEO professionals focus on the content of a website as keywords are "essential" to rising rankings, the firm stated.

"However, a good website SEO service will go beyond that, making the layout more accessible to spiders and submitting the site to various search engines," it added.

Last month, Anna D Banks, adjunct professor at Essex County College, told the American Chronicle that a good online marketing strategy through tactics such as SEO is vital to ensure an online firm meets with success.

She urged marketers to ensure their pages achieve high online visibility in order to drive increased numbers of visitors to them.