After a brief but eventful stay in the public eye, Google Buzz is more or less silent, according to a study by online advertising researcher Chitika.

According to Chitika’s research director, Daniel Ruby, Google’s foray into the world of social media networking barely even registers on the measurements the company uses to track search engine optimization (SEO) data. "Bursting onto the scene to massive fanfare and hype in early February, Google Buzz was supposed to be the big G’s triumphant entry into the social marketing industry. With a huge installed base of Gmail users and an interface similar to widely-used Twitter, it had the makings of a web game-changer," Ruby writes.

However, despite the initial hype, missteps and a widespread furor over privacy settings on the service seem to have been too much for even Google to overcome. Chitika says that there is next to zero interest in Buzz, especially when compared to Twitter.

Search engine optimization (SEO) experts and other online marketing experts say that the world of social media may have reached saturation, in terms of the sheer number of products being offered.