Joe Meloni

A report from comScore found that the average Facebook user spent more than 400 minutes per month on the web in June, which MarketingLand first reported was a 5 percent improvement from May. In April, comScore found Facebook use dipped to below 380 minutes, but the gains have been steady in the last two months.

While the drop in April represents a minor setback for the site, its usage numbers have remained relatively high in recent years. For marketers, recovering use doesn’t necessarily mean brands should place a greater focus on Facebook as a social media marketing channel, as the channel already makes up a substantial portion of most campaigns.

In fact, Brafton recently reported that most marketers have found an ideal balance between different social and web platforms they use. More than 70 percent of companies spend 80 percent of their time on other social networks or different parts of their web marketing strategies. With about 20 percent of internet marketing activity being dedicated to the site, it’s clear that Facebook remains a top priority.

Moreover, the amount of time dedicated to Facebook has resulted in an evolving understanding of success measurements on the platform. While sales and leads are primary goals of marketing campaigns on the site, many businesses have found other benefits from a strong Facebook presence. Brafton recently highlighted data from AdAge that found improved web visibility and brand awareness are two chief goals with Facebook marketing.