Joe Meloni

Google recently rolled out Think Insights, a data and resource hub aimed at providing web marketers guidance on their SEO and other web marketing campaigns, the company announced on its official blog.

In the post, Google’s Laura McClung wrote that businesses can use Think Insights to spot new trends in prospect spending and behavior that can help shape marketing initiatives and budgets.

For example, McClung points to questions such as “In 2011, what percent of people dreamed and brainstormed about their next vacation?” and “What percent of the daily queries on have never been seen before?” While these specific examples may not be relevant to every businesses, Think Insights can help companies identify topics to base content on and new keyword strategies to use when creating news content marketing material.

Google’s focus on quality web content has come through in several of its most recent initiatives. The Think Insights database will help companies identify the trends and material that will increase the timeliness of their content and relevance to their selected audience.

Frequent web updates based on trending news topics that are still relevant to a desired audience will help businesses improve SERP standing. Brafton recently reported that an adjustment to Google’s algorithm will reward content based on freshness, especially in the case of trending news content.