Lauren Kaye

Millennials are always on the web and constantly on the lookout for the latest information. They’re navigating across screens, juggling apps and responding to every ring and vibration as messages hit their inboxes.

For marketers, this group is shaping up to be the ultimate consumers. They want digital content, and when it’s served to them in the way they prefer, they are open to the idea of building relationships with brands right alongside their personal friendships. Except – your Millennial target audience might be on the brink of information overload, and they may harden to your efforts if you’re careless about the content you push at them.

Technology: Too much of a good thing

In the State of Workplace Productivity Report, Cornerstone revealed 41 percent of Millennials have experienced information overload and 38 percent have suffered an overdose of technology.

41 percent of Millennials have experienced information overload

Despite widespread assumptions this demographic is more prepared than any other to receive a steady flow of ideas, insights and entertainment, they demonstrate the most significant adverse reaction of any age group. Just 31 percent of Baby Boomers and 33 percent of Gen Xers complain of the same issue with information. Fewer yet report technology glut. Around 20 percent of Baby Boomers and 24 percent of Gen Xers have suffered from too much technology.

This information comes at a time when human behaviors are drastically changing. The majority of Americans (over 58 percent, according to the latest Pew data) now have smartphones and use them to manage their calendars, find local businesses and stay in contact with family, friends and business associates. It’s logical that a continuous influx of updates could become distracting, or even overwhelming, over time.

Pick your touchpoints wisely

Marketers shouldn’t misinterpret this is a cease-and-desist. It’s a reminder that there is such a thing as too much content, and publishers that don’t carefully consider when and where they share toe this line closely.

8 percent have suffered an overdose of technology

You want your content to reach the widest audience possible, but you also need to avoid flooding recipients in a way that will cause information exhaustion.

The point is: Pick your touchpoints deliberately. Stop the spray and pray approach. Share with restraint. Put pieces on the networks where they’re most relevant. A news-driven article might do best on Twitter, where users are looking for the latest updates. Meanwhile, an in-depth blog focused on a single industry is better suited for a LinkedIn Discussion, where members are seeking research with a specific scope.

As a marketer, it’s not up to you to prevent your audience from overdosing on content. However, it is your responsibility to make sure what you’re giving them is substantial and valuable.