Search engine optimization (SEO) professionals say that amateur efforts at SEO are frequently unsuccessful because they run afoul of a few basic rules of the industry.

Well-meaning amateur search engine optimization (SEO) practitioners can get too enthusiastic with keywords and trip the many alerts that search engines have built in to detect keyword spam, according to SEO Consult. "If the keywords are too obvious, or the content doesn’t make sense, then you have crossed the line between saturated and spammy," the website says.

SEO Consult also warns against an overabundance of internal links. While links are generally a positive thing for a website to have from a search engine optimization (SEO) perspective, too many self-referencing links will set off the spam filters on some search engines. The website also warns against the use of "zombie content," or computer-generated word salad that the search engines will read as spam.

Uniquely generated content is generally held to be one of the most effective search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, attracting valuable external links and pushing websites up through Google rankings.