Ted Karczewski

​A few weeks ago, rumors circulated that Yahoo’s CEO Melissa Mayer wasn’t happy with​ the company’s performance in conjunction with Bing and was interested in switching alliances. While this myth may have been debunked for the time being, it caused many to wonder the future of Yahoo as a search engine. To put another question to rest, Yahoo officially launched its redesigned search experience via its new Tumblr blog, and SEO content should still be produced for the website.

The new UI boasts faster load times, more search results above the fold, a seemingly new navigation bar at the top of the page and a​ ​branded​​ experience similar to the Yahoo homepage. The company also notes that its new nav bar will integrate across several other Yahoo properties moving forward.

In the official post, Yahoo’s Senior Vice President of Search Laurie Mann says, “Over the coming months, you’ll see more from Yahoo as we work to deliver a search experience that combines utility with beauty and gets you to your results faster.”

While Yahoo remains well behind Google and Bing in terms of monthly search traffic, the company continues to push forward and develop new systems and processes to provide loyal fans with the best possible experience. Brands might reach their prospects easier with Yahoo’s improve UI, helping companies get their custom web content in front of audiences in a timely manner. Yahoo may not be everyone’s favorite search engine, but its consistency shows it’s built for long-term success as a web entity.