Lauren Kaye

White papers are like the Cadillac of web marketing, so it seems only fair to feature them on the fifth day of content – the day carolers otherwise reserve for the “five golden rings.” One of the longer written formats on the web, white papers generally contain the kind of high-caliber research and data that sets publishers apart as industry authorities.

With foundations in studies, data and technical research, these pieces are link and lead bait because they offer access to exclusive insights and develop trust in your brand. To find out why white papers are considered the gold standard for digital content, we interviewed Senior Writer Dave Bolton. Click play to watch the video below.

Why add white papers into your content marketing mix?

White papers are unique in the fast-paced internet world because they’re crafted with the underlying expectation of longevity. Unlike Tweets or news articles that are intended to surface in trending conversations, these analytical research documents should live on a site and draw a steady flow of traffic over time. As an added bonus, they can be paired with search-friendly teasers and used as gated content for direct lead generation opportunities.

The proprietary ideas and carefully crafted copy in a white paper are particularly beneficial to brands looking to set themselves apart from competitors, or raise the bar for value-add in their industries.

White papers generate leads by telling consumers why your offerings are the right solutions for real-world challenges. Brafton’s in-house teams collaborate to identify the gaps or challenges in a particular market that can be filled with expert insights and relevant research, curating hard evidence and original ideas that position you as a thought leader to get more prospects in the sales funnel.

Still curious about how Senior Content Writer Dave Bolton turns technical ideas into approachable resources? Leave your questions in the comments section below, and stay tuned for the formats we have yet to feature in the #12DaysOfContent.