
Thanks to the growing availability of smartphones, consumers are now able to access content from the web, regardless of whether they are on desktop computers at home or out shopping. This means content marketing efforts can reach on-the-go audiences.

According to a recent survey conducted by The Pew Research Center's Internet & Life Project, as many as 84 percent of smartphone owners access the web on a regular basis. From there, they have any number of options – 76 percent send or receive email, 59 percent access a social networking site and 15 percent log in to Twitter.

Consuming content is a regular activity of cellphone owners. More than half (51 percent) use their phones to gain access to information they need right away, while one-quarter (27 percent) have experienced a challenging situation because they couldn't utilize their phones to do what they needed.

The report highlights the fact that content marketing is no longer relegated to reaching at-home customers. With recent comScore data indicating that more than 69 million Americans owning smartphones, the internet is only a few taps away. Content marketing campaigns need to be planned with this in mind.