Lauren Kaye

If white papers are the Cadillac of content marketing, eBooks are this year’s model with all the fancy upgrades. They have the trustworthiness of a thoroughly researched paper with the striking visuals of an infographic. Though print-friendly, eBooks are designed to be read online. Because they present information in a visual format that makes it easy to read at length, they’re great tools to educate customers about core offerings.

To find out why eBooks offer distinct advantages and how they can help fuel online leads and sales, we interviewed Section Editor Patrick Hammond. Click play to watch the video and check out our additional resources below.

Why add eBooks into your content marketing mix?

Ebooks are the right choice for an action-packed or dense topic that might otherwise push the limits for what internet audiences are willing to read. Even the most interesting subjects risk losing readers if they run longer than a typical white paper, which is why eBooks are heavily formatted.

When heftier topics are broken up into logical chunks and spruced up with info-stats or images, the information suddenly becomes accessible and digestible to multi-tasking prospects. Because this format is a triple threat, with in-depth research, quality writing and striking visuals, it’s the kind of content brands create to continually bring in fresh eyes and leads.

Consider eBooks a solution if you’re ready to generate more leads and present thought leading insights in a format that readers will want to save and share. Our designers and editorial teams combine talents to create this hybrid content type that fuels marketing results.

Still have questions about why brands are turning to eBooks? Ask our in-house expert, Patrick Hammond, in the comments section below. And stick around – we’ve still got two more days of content to go!

Follow along or tell us about your favorite formats with the hashtag #12DaysOfContent.