Molly Buccini

While Braftonians across offices are churning out results for clients like conscientious holiday elves, we’re also devoting some time to make sure the holiday season is enjoyable for us and our communities.

Whether decorating the Brafton Chicago diversity tree or gearing up for our holiday parties, we’re all about celebrating through a combination of goodwill and fun (cue the upcoming ugly sweater contest!).

Measuring Brafton’s success, one holiday party at a time

The holidays serve as a reflective time, where we often think about the things we’re grateful for, and reminisce about the years past. For Director of Database Marketing Ryan Collier, Brafton’s first Boston-based hire, the holidays are a reminder of where we began.

Collier was one of nine attendees at Brafton’s first holiday party held at an eatery in Boston’s North End. He’d only been with Brafton for half a year, and the potential for the upcoming year felt infinite. A clear sign of Brafton’s steadfast growth, the following year the holiday party guest list had more than quadrupled in size. Collier said it was in that moment at his second Brafton holiday party that he realized the company was “making it.”

“It’s just amazing how you can fast forward and you’re having parties in three different cities, hosting hundreds of people,” he said.12DaysofContentCollage

Providing content marketing for end-of-year inspiration

Brafton’s teams are busy finalizing graphics, social contests, email newsletters and more that our customers are using for their holiday marketing initiatives. At the same time, we’re working to provide our audiences with fun and useful seasonally inspired content.  From tips and statistics for marketers during the busiest retail season of the year to our #12DaysofContent special feature, we’re intertwining holiday spirit with the latest content marketing insights we think our clients need to know.

Sharing the true holiday spirit with our local communities

chicagotoydrive2In addition to staying on top of content marketing developments planning holiday office parties from coast to coast, we’ve made it a point to celebrate our communities this season. For the second consecutive year, Brafton’s Boston office has teamed up with the USPS’s Be an Elf campaign to bring presents to underprivileged families who sent letters to Santa at our local post office. In Chicago, the team is delivering presents through the city’s Children’s Home + Aid, while our San Francisco office is participating in the Firefighters Toy Drive.

Graphic Designer Ashley Kuhn organized Brafton’s involvement in the Chicago’s Children’s Home + Aid Toy Drive, an agency that provides services for foster children, kids in residential facilities and early childhood programs. Unsure of how many Braftonians would participate, she said the turnout was “incredible across the board.”

“I had the honor of delivering everything to the agency,” Ashley said. “The halls of their office were stacked full of toys! It was so heartwarming to see. For so many of those kids, this is the only time of year that they receive a gift and I’m proud to say that Brafton’s helping to make it special!”

Find out more about Brafton’s community outreach initiatives here.