Molly Buccini

It was always Lauren Fox’s dream to live on the West Coast, but when she joined the Brafton team in early 2010, she had no idea her position on our administrative team in Boston would result in a long-standing career and the opportunity to move cross-country.

As a senior member of our operations support team, Lauren journeyed to San Francisco in 2011 with a handful of Braftonians to expand our burgeoning office in the city by the bay. Because her fellow operations teammates are mostly stationed in Boston, she’s been able to immerse herself with our content marketing strategists based in San Francisco, a situation she said has helped her to develop a wider skillset.

“I was hired straight out of college, and over the past four years I have been able to watch this company grow, and grow with it!” she said. “Since working at Brafton, I’ve been able to really develop a wide range of skills; from metrics reporting to data analysis to project management to team mentoring to cross-departmental training.”

Current project? “Working with Chief Operations Officer Scott Conway to roll out a peer review process, which will be a great way to receive relevant and constructive feedback on job performance. Very exciting!”

Her strongest piece of advice for a new Braftonian? Learning everything you can about how the company operates (“there are so many moving pieces!”) and decide where you think you’d be the best fit.

“Don’t think just because you’re in one department at Brafton, that you can’t move to another to achieve your goals, unless you’re happy where you are of course!”

“Don’t think just because you’re in one department at Brafton, that you can’t move to another to achieve your goals, unless you’re happy where you are of course!” she said. “That’s what’s so great about this company – there are always new opportunities popping up!  And not to brag, but the Ops team is pretty great!”

Learn more about Lauren in our Brafton Q&A:

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

As a kid, I wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up.  I also wanted to be a marine biologist at one point.  Of course these were at different stages in my life, but are we sensing a water theme here.

Q: What do you think is the most important quality for success?

I don’t know if there is just one “most important quality” you need for success.  I would say it’s more a combination of three qualities, in no particular order: positivity, ambition and confidence.  I think to truly be successful is to be confident in your own abilities, and to have that ambition (or drive) to make things happen for yourself.  Lastly, I think it’s always best to try and face anything in life with a positive attitude.

Q: What do you value most in a job?

I think the environment is what I value most in a job.  More specifically, it’s being around intelligent, hard-working people that encourages me to always challenge and improve myself.

“It’s being around intelligent, hard-working people that encourages me to always challenge and improve myself.”

Q: What is your most treasured possession?

Boy, I don’t know.  Can I say it’s my one-eyed cat, Jack?

Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?

Definitely Monday.  It’s on Mondays that I can come in and attack my work for the day, and potentially get ahead for the rest of the week.  I love crossing things off that revolving “To Do” list.

Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

My favorite aspect of my job is the people I work with.  I don’t just get to work with my Ops team members, but I am also completely immersed in the SF office. I serve as an important resource for them – and I’m happy to be there answering questions when they need me, as well as helping with onboarding any new hires we have in that department.  I also really enjoy working with my Ops team, developing new initiatives, improving the way we do things, and coming up with new, fun ideas that help our team function as its very best.

Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I think it would have to be moving across the country.  It had always been a life goal of mine to live on the west coast for at least a portion of my life, and, thanks to Brafton, I was able to move out here and achieve that goal!

Q: Have any “hidden talents” ?

I don’t know if this is considered a talent, but lately (the past few years or so) I’ve been pretty into food and cooking at home.  I love everything about it, from pickling to pizza.  Speaking of which, this past weekend I made my own pizza dough from scratch for the first time. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the pre-made stuff!

“It had always been a life goal of mine to live on the west coast for at least a portion of my life, and, thanks to Brafton, I was able to move out here and achieve that goal!”

Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?

I think it’d be April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation.  She’s the first character that popped into my mind (maybe because I’ve been catching up on season 6 for the past couple of weeks?).  I like her character because she’s a little bit odd, and while she spends most of her time stirring up things in the other characters’ lives for her own amusement, in the end, she seems to really understand what’s truly important in life.  Also, she loves dogs, a lot – and so do I!

Learn more about Brafton’s career opportunities here.