Lauren Kaye

Do you consider yourself a ‘modern’ marketer? You might automatically say yes because you’re reading this on a computer and using the internet in your content strategy

However, a study conducted by Oracle and Forrester, “Why You Need To Be A Modern Marketer: The Business Impact Of Marketing Maturity In The Age Of The Customer,” concluded that very few marketers (only 11 percent of the 492 marketers surveyed) are advanced enough to be considered modern.

Here are some of the characteristics the study used to determine which participants fell into this category:

  • Advanced segmentation (including behavioral and interest-based breakdowns)
  • Data-driven audience personas for every major consumer category
  • Custom content for every stage of the buyer journey
  • Lead scoring, nurturing, and behavioral triggers for prospects AND customers
  • Access to real-time customer data

Don’t feel bad if you’re not there yet. Most marketers aren’t. About 15 percent fell into the ‘novice’ category, while the majority (41 percent) were are in the ‘discovery’ phase and 33 percent are ‘experienced.’ What do you need to do to become a ‘modern’ marketer?  

Break down barriers between channels

If offline campaigns don’t line up with SEO strategies, paid ads and your content calendar, you’re missing opportunities.

According to the study, 57 percent of respondents said their marketing is still fractured across channels. If offline campaigns don’t line up with SEO strategies, the paid ads you’re running, the content calendar you’re using and the social promotion you’re conducting, you’re missing opportunities.

Consumers aren’t using one channel, then another – they’re jumping from TV to search and social and expect the experience to align seamlessly with the message they’ve just seen.

Talk to your target audience

This might sound simple, but only 11 percent of marketers said they conduct two-way conversations with their prospects and customers. The majority still only talk AT their audience, instead of WITH them, through outbound messages alone.

Inviting your buyers to interact is powerful. Check out these results from one company that broke the fourth wall and invited social followers to share.

Get sophisticated with your data

If you’re only tracking conversions, you’re behind in the marketing spectrum. ‘Modern’ marketers are going beyond that number and getting sophisticated with their data to score leads, nurture prospects with the right web content, recycle leads and set behavioral triggers to reach out to people at just the right moment.

It’s a tall order, and it requires marketers to rethink the way they work. However, the payoff IS there. ‘Modern’ marketers are the ones getting the best results, driving the most revenue and creating enviable work environments.


For more tips on creating a smarter marketing strategy for cross-channel success, check out this eBook: