A new tech startup will follow in the wake of landmark real-time data deals between Twitter, Microsoft, and Google. LeapFish will offer its own real-time social search engine as part of an extensive platform that will combine numerous search and networking functions.

LeapFish says that its new platform will offer a customizable homepage in addition to expanded search functions. The homepage is intended to function as a personal internet dashboard, aggregating multiple site apps and portals into a single homepage. Community sites like Digg, Facebook, and Twitter will provide search results in real-time.

Ben Behrouzi, LeapFish’s founder and CEO, said that the company’s flagship product will "[empower] consumers with the ability to manage the two things they do most often online: search and share. Real-time and social are major movements and it’s time consumers are empowered with an ability to share to the real-time and social web when they are most engaged – while searching the web."

Search engine optimization (SEO) could be affected by this new development, which could pull users from more traditional search solutions.