Users of the iPhone, Palm Pre, and any Android-powered device will be able to view special versions of Google News custom-tailored to their smaller screens, the company announced last week.

While Google News already featured custom pages for Blackberry, Windows Mobile, and Symbian’s S60 mobile phone OS, the new accessibility should improve the ease of mobile use.

Mobile versions of popular web pages are coming into wider use, due to the more limited screen space and display capabilities of the major smartphone models. Search engine optimization (SEO) professionals targeting mobile users generally reduce the amount of high-end graphical content present on a site, as well as tailoring the content and site layout to appeal to smartphone users.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is rapidly becoming a more important consideration for online marketing efforts, and the latest development from Google should broaden the appeal of their already-popular news aggregating service. Mobile SEO is still a relatively new field, however, and many experts warn that rapid technological advancement could render mobile-specific strategies moot in the long term.