A proper search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, much like life itself, has a hierarchy of needs which means needs with the biggest priority need to be met before others can be taken into account.

But often, many companies want to begin a marketing campaign without having a solid search engine optimization (SEO) base, says Virginia Nussey of Bruce Clay, Inc. Much like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Nussey says that the SEO hierarchy of needs requires that websites make sure the basic levels are fulfilled in order to then take care of other elements.

Nussey says analytics and web intelligence is almost too important to be considered the first level. Instead, she says it should be the backdrop of any good online marketing campaign.

With that in mind, Nussey says the first level is keywords and content and can lay a strong foundation for other things down the line like link development.

"Content is how a search engine and a human user know what your site is about, what they can expect to get from it, and where its expertise lies," she writes. "It seems obvious, but the content of a site – be it text, images, video or other – needs to clearly explain who the audience is and what the subject matter is."

One way websites can increase their content is through a blog. In a recent piece for Search Engine Watch, Mark Jackson said blogs are a good search engine optimization (SEO) tool because search engines like to see constantly updated content.