The Brafton Blog

Welcome to The Brafton Blog, where we share insights and updates on all things content marketing. From keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices to getting a glimpse into life at Brafton, our blog has something for everyone. Our team of marketing experts are here to provide actionable tips and advice to help you drive success for your business.

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What are rich snippets?
SEO Michael O’Neill

What are Rich Snippets, and why should I care about them?

A Rich Snippet is a visual feature that Google displays in search engine results pages. Adding schema markup to existing HTML, marketers and webmasters can help search engines serve better, richer results to users. Expect higher click-through rates, lower bounce rates and optimum search presence.

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Content Marketing Dominick Sorrentino

The 2020 State of Content Marketing Report

What does the world of content marketing look at the beginning of 2020? And how will it be different by the time 2021 comes around? Find out in our State of Content Marketing Report.

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